Welcome to Week in Review #4
Each Sunday, we will provide an update on all the cool stuff that has happend during the week, in case you missed it - or just want to be reminded ;-)
This week, we have
- Signed an agreement for even more storage space. Pops of the Galaxy has the largest selection of USA Exclusive, Asia Exclusives and Convention Exclusives. We are committed to keep adding to the benefit of all our fellow collectors out there!
- Added new Star Wars Amazon Exclusive for preorder
- Added Funko Shop Exclusive Dug with headphones - Dug Days are so cool!
- Added Great Sayiyagirl (Funko Shop Exclusive) and Great Saiyaman (Funko Shop Exclusive) for preorder
- Added Ichigo (AAA Anime) for preorder
- Added Leatherface with Hammer (Hottopic Exclusive) for preorder
- Added next (and second to last) installment of the Harry Potter Diagon Alley (Target Exclusive): Madam Malkin's with Harry
- Added Vecna with die (GameStop Exclusive) for preorder
- Added Tigger (flocked) (Amazon Exclusive) for preorder
- Added Venom Poison Spider-Man (Entertainment Earth Exclusive) for preorder
- Added PX Exclusive Comics TMNT (all of them, yes!)
Something to look forward to?
- We are making first steps to make this Christmas Funkotastic! Stay tuned, we will have new updates shortly :-)
- Lots and lots of new, exclusive Pops have been received the last few days. We will have fun!
- November is a Black Month.. we are excited!